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Название: Results оf Determining the Influence of Moisture Content on the Flow of Substances in Meat Under the Combined Action of Heat Flow and Electric Current
Другие названия: Результати визначення вливу вологовмісту на потік речовини в м'ясі під комбінованою дією теплового потоку і електричного струму
Авторы: Skrypnyk, V.
Semenov, A.
Bychkov, Y.
Farisieiev, A.
Ключевые слова: electric current
heat flow
moisture content
pork meat
substance flow
Дата публикации: 20-Май-2024
Аннотация: The article investigates the patterns of substance flow occurrence in pork meat under the influence of electric current, heat flow from a heater, and their combined action. It has been established that the moisture content of the meat has a significant and nonlinear impact on the volume of substances transferred in the meat under the influence of electric current and heat flow. Analytical dependencies are proposed to determine quantitative parameters taking into account moisture content, meat area and thickness, potential difference, heat flow magnitude, and applied excess pressure
Описание: Skrypnyk V., Semenov A., Bychkov Y., Farisieiev А. (2024). Results оf Determining the Influence of Moisture Content on the Flow of Substances in Meat Under the Combined Action of Heat Flow and Electric Current. Slovak International Scientific Journal, 83, 50–56.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13827
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО ТБЕМС)

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