Електронний архів Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі >
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Showing results 465 to 484 of 13602
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Apr-2020 | On the implementation of OECD guidelines for corporate governance of state-owned enterprises in the legislation of Ukraine | Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Деревянко, Богдан Владимирович; Derevyanko, Bogdan |
2017 | On the M/M/2/∞ retrial queue with limited number of retrials | Pryshchepa, O. V. |
20-Mar-2014 | ON the Way to Cultivating Active Language Learning | Chernukha, Varvara; Novak, Lyubov |
15-Mar-2012 | On the Way to Market Economy | Чернуха, Варвара Іванівна; Джонсон, Кандіда |
8-Oct-2020 | Online advertising versus offline advertising | Шевченко, Діана Олександрівна; Кононенко, Олена Анатоліївна |
2004 | Optimization problem on permutations with linear-fractional objective function: properties of the set of admissible solutions. | Emets, O. A.; Koliechkina, L. |
May-1998 | Optimization problems on a set of polyarrangements | Yemets, Oleg; Yemets, Yelizaveta |
25-Apr-2023 | Orate social responsibility as a key to business development | Ola-Okedeyi, Hakeem Olumide; Artemenko, Anna |
Oct-2016 | Organization of security control of wireless telecommunication network based on fuzzy networks | Аleksander, Marek Bogusław; Yudin, Oleksandr; Karpinskyi, Volodymyr; Khlaponin, Yuriy |
20-Jun-2023 | Origin and popularisation of the first cooperatives | Adeniregun, Aderinsola Halimat; Pozhar, Artem |
2010 | Outsourcing as a modern method of bank restructuring | Yehorycheva, Svitlana |
2023 | Overview of software for solving optimization problems | Чілікіна, Тетяна; Парфьонова, Тетяна; Руденко, Ніна; Chilikina, Tatyana; Parfonova, Tatyana; Rudenko, Nina |
2018 | Oргaнiзaцiя ствoрення тa прoсувaння туристичнoгo бренду | Хамайко, Артем Костянтинович |
Apr-2013 | Oрганізаційно-вихoвні технолoгії забeзпечення ефeктивності рoботи куратoрів акaдемічних груп | Чернявська, Наталія Василівна |
19-May-2021 | Pandemic crisis and currency board in Bulgaria | Mihaylova-Borisova, G. |
21-Apr-2021 | Partnership approach to the strategic planning of the socio-economic development | Kanova, O. A. |
22-Oct-2020 | Peculiarities of business communication in Saudi Arabia | Saleh, Radhwan; Іщенко, Валентина Леонідівна |
2023 | Peculiarities of automobile corporation’s activity in the global market (based on the company Toyota Motor Corporation) | Gibrilla, Turay |
2020 | Peculiarities of poetry translation from English (based on the poems by Ocean Vuong) | Dasko, K. I.; Korol, T. H. |
20-Oct-2014 | Pensions: governmental obligations or individual choices | Чернявська (Волкова), Олена Валеріївна; Edison, Vizuete; Gorbunova, Olena |
Showing results 465 to 484 of 13602