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Авторы: Кобзар, Олена Іванівна
Ключевые слова: historical myth, mythological model, transformation, tragedy.
Дата публикации: 1-Мар-2013
Серия/номер: іноземні мови;
Аннотация: Olena Kobzar. The mythological paradigm of Frederic Hebbel’s tragedy “Gygos and his ring” The tragedy of Frederic Hebbel “Gygos and his ring” is examined the article as example of poetical interpretation of the historical myth. It is marked that the use of mythological images and motives, modification of mythological model is instrumental education in the play of many levels structure of the play. The issue of different modern distance (past, real and future) from position of eternal values of spiritual culture is examined in the play too. It is shown, that myth as the paradigm of artistic form of expression adequate synthesis of philosophy, science and art was first up-dated in drama. In the nineteenth century mythology plays becomes a greater "common line of understanding of things" (A. Losev), which, as connecting the old and always topical motifs and symbols to form a coherent picture of the universe. Appeal to the myth of German playwright Frederic Hebbel due not only his personal focus on archaic form of attitudes, but also the common aspiration of the artist to the art of synthesis, which allowed him to go beyond the socio-historical and spatial bias.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua//handle/123456789/1438
ISSN: 2078-340Х
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО ДІМ)

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