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Название: Establishment of Entrepreneurial Activities in the Field of Green Tourism in European Countries
Авторы: Petruk, Tatyana
Skliar, Heorhii
Shukanova, Anzhela
Yemtsev, Victor
Shykerynets, Vasyl
Ключевые слова: Entrepreneurship
Green Tourism
Tourism Industry
Tourism Product
Cluster Of Business Entities
National Interests
Issue Date: 2020
Библиографическое описание: Petruk T., Establishment of entrepreneurial activities in the field of green tourism in european countries / T. Petruk, H. Skliar, A. Shukanova // Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. – 2020. – Volume 26. – Issue 4.
Аннотация: The article considers the current issue of active and necessary development of entrepreneurship in the field of green tourism in European countries. A statistical analysis of the demand for green tourism in the EU countries and the dynamics of generating profits from green tourism were conducted. Practical tools for engaging rural people in green entrepreneurship activities are substantiated. A new structure for a cluster of entrepreneurial entities in rural green tourism has been proposed.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10404
Appears in Collections:Статті (ННІДО ТГБ)

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