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Название: The Impact of digitalization on employment transformation in countries with different income levels
Другие названия: Вплив діджіталізації на трансформацію сфери зайнятості в країнах з різним рівнем доходів
Авторы: Pedchenko, N.
Tul, S.
Shkurupii, O.
Deyneka, T.
Flehantova, A.
Ключевые слова: digital technologies
global digitalized labor market
high-income countries
lower-middle-income countries
low-income countries
upper-middleincome countries
Дата публикации: 2021
Издатель: Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice
Библиографическое описание: Pedchenko, N., Tul, S., Shkurupii, O., Deyneka, T., & Flehantova, A. (2021). THE IMPACT OF DIGITALIZATION ON EMPLOYMENT TRANSFORMATION IN COUNTRIES WITH DIFFERENT INCOME LEVELS. Financial and Credit Activity: Problems of Theory and Practice, 4(39), 216–227.
Серия/номер: УДК;007.2:331.5:004.738.5
Аннотация: It has been substantiated that digitalization is a driver of the transformation of employment in different countries.The degree of formation of the digitalized labor market by groups of countries with different levels of per capita income has been studied. It is proved that the use of digital technologies by the vast majority of companies and the economically active population simplifies the procedure of job creation, giving the opportunity to work via the Internet within the so-called “on-demand economy”. With the high degree of implementation of digital, information and communication technologies, the share of employees in the service sector is growing in the majority of countries. It is stated that the degree of digitalization of the labor market is uneven in the world. The introduction of modern technologies in high-income countries allows the population to fully realize the intellectual and creative potential, finding a job in the most efficient sector of the economy – the high-tech and knowledge-intensive services. Despite the rapid spread of digital technologies and the rapid growth of employment in the service sector in the upper-middle-income countries, the level of digital transformation of the labor market is much lower than in the high-income countries. Nowadays, there is a digital divide between these groups of countries, although, with the effective policies of governments in the upper-middle-income countries, there is a high probability of achievement of indicators of countries that are digital leaders. The trend of gradual digitalization of the services sector is also observed in the lowermiddle- income countries. It is noted that the low prevalence of information and communication technologies in low-income countries makes it impossible for the population of these countries to join the global digitalized labor market. A set of measures has been systematized to harmonize the policies of governments of different countries in the field of labor relations, which are being transformed under the influence of global digitalization.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11477
ISSN: 2310-8770
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО ФБС)

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