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Название: Ai impact on enhanced customer experience as a part of the business management system
Авторы: Mubin, Hassan
Tiahunova, Zlata
Ключевые слова: customer experience
business management system
Дата публикации: 22-Июн-2023
Аннотация: The research identifies the main problems associated with implementing AI in customer experience management, such as ethical concerns, data privacy, and customer trust. The paper provides solutions and strategies to address these challenges, including transparency, user control, and ethical AI development. The main part of the paper discusses the impact of AI on different aspects of customer experience, including personalization, convenience, and speed. The study concludes that AI has the potential to significantly enhance the customer experience by enabling businesses to offer more personalized, convenient, and efficient services. However, the implementation of AI must be ethical and transparent to ensure customer trust and privacy. The research provides practical implications for businesses seeking to integrate AI into their customer experience management, including the need for proper training and expertise, a clear understanding of the limitations and potential risks of AI, and the development of a customer-centric approach to AI implementation.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13028
Располагается в коллекциях:Матеріали конференцій (ННІДО М)

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