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Название: The evolution of the formation of TNC as key figures of economic globalization
Авторы: Romaniukha, Daria
Flehantova, Anna
Ключевые слова: TNC
Issue Date: 24-Aug-2024
Издатель: International Scientific Unity
Библиографическое описание: Romaniukha D., Flehantova, A. The evolution of the formation of TNC as key figures of economic globalization. XXXV International scientific and practical conference «Modern Scientific Research is the Engine of Technical Progress» (August 21-23, 2024) Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. International Scientific Unity, 2024. Pp.31-34.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14118
ISBN: 978-617-8427-45-0
Appears in Collections:Статті (ННІДО МЕМЕВ)

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