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Название: Foresight technologies in financial provision of small business in Ukraine
Авторы: Strilec, Victoria
Frolov, Sergiy
Balatskyi, Ievgen
Ключевые слова: financial provision
financial resources
PEST analysis
scenario planning
small business
Issue Date: 2017
Библиографическое описание: Sergiy Frolov, Victoria Strilec and Ievgen Balatskyi (2017). Foresight technologies in financial provision of small business in Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(1-1), 200-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.15(1-1).2017.07
Аннотация: The problems of formation of small business in Ukraine are caused by insufficient financial provision, ineffective mechanism of taxation and unsustainable state regulatory policies. The aim of the paper is analyze financial provision of small businesses and substantiation of its improvement scenarios with the use of foresight instruments. The paper evaluates the criteria of financial provision of small businesses. It offers the organizational mechanism of financial provision of small business. It also assesses the system of relations “state-small businesses” in the formation of financial provision of companies and identifies the main obstacles for the realization of small business potential. The use of foresight technologies in building scenarios for the formation of financial provision of small businesses is proposed. Stages and methods of systemic foresight are considered. The conclusion is made that financial provision of small business in Ukraine should be focused not only on changes in the legislation, but also on the improvement of state support of small businesses and expansion of the relationship “state-small businesses”.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5771
Appears in Collections:Статті (ННІДО ФБС)

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