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Название: Insurance management
Авторы: Kartseva, V. V.
Fysun, I. V.
Gorbunova, O. A.
Ключевые слова: Insurance management
Issue Date: 2017
Издатель: Publishing house “Condor”
Библиографическое описание: Insurance management: manual for the students of the higher educational establishments with the English language of instruction / Karceva V.V., Fysun I.V., Demchenko N.O., Gorbunova O.A. — К.: Publishing house “Condor”, 2017. - 148 p.
Аннотация: In the manual, the specific features of management in the insurance business. The essence and importance of insurance management, resource potential, structure and management bodies of the insurer, communications and information support of insurance management. Considerable attention is given to planning in the insurance business, insurance marketing, manage selection risks, manage insurance claims, cash flow management, financial strength and organization of financial monitoring of in-surance companies. Each topic is provided with questions for self-control or glossary, test tasks and the recommended references. The manual is worked out for English-speaking students of higher educational institutions.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6346
Appears in Collections:Глави з книги (ННІДО ФБС)

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