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Название: Improvement of Methodological Approaches to the Assessment of Financial Decentralization and its Impact on the Financial Sufficiency of Local Budgets
Авторы: Тимошенко, Оксана Вареріївна
Кузьменко, Олександра Костянтинівна
Ключевые слова: local budgets
financial decentralization
financial capacity of local budgets
Issue Date: 2019
Издатель: Shioda GmbH, Steyr, Austria
Библиографическое описание: Tymoshenko O. V. Improvement of Methodological Approaches to the Assessment of Financial Decentralization and its Impact on the Financial Sufficiency of Local Budgets / O. V. Tymoshenko, O. K. Kuzmenko // Social transformations of the national economy in the context of european integration processes: Collective monograph / Yu. Pasichnyk and others: [Ed. by Doctors of Economics Sciences, Prof. Lupenko Yu., Pasichnyk Yu.] Shioda GmbH, Steyr, Austria, 2019. P. 161-170.
Аннотация: The practical results of the impact of financial decentralization on the formation of financially viable local budgets of Ukraine have been identified, the feasibility of introducing a methodology for assessing the level of financial capacity of local budgets has been substantiated
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8137
Appears in Collections:Глави з книги (ННІДО ФБС)

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