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Название: Energy consumption as source of passive income and direction of energy management in Ukraine and EU countries
Авторы: Bondar-Podhurska, Oksana
Yudicheva, Olha
Ключевые слова: energy consumption
passive income
energy management
EU countries
Дата публикации: 23-Мар-2020
Аннотация: The problem of energy saving and ways its solution as an opportunity for additional savings and creation of passive income are highlighted and actualized. It is established that according to the world approaches for energy-saving housing types are those in which the level of energy consumption does not exceed 70 kWh / m2 per year. However, many countries in the world have their own energy saving standards that are different from those commonly used. So, Ukraine consumes twice as much energy per m2 than Europeans. As a consequence of this, there is a decrease in the living standards of Ukrainians, whose shoulders are a heavy burden of payment for consumed energy, and problems with the energy security of the country. In order to solve the problem in 2018, a financial agreement was signed by the Ukrainian side and the head of the Ukrainian Support Group in the European Commission for a sum of 50 million euro to fill and launch the Energy Efficiency Fund of Ukraine. Several companies already working on building energy-efficient housing in Ukraine, which in their projects combine the principles of low energy consumption, own generation of energy, the use of materials with good heat-protective properties, and environmental friendliness. The heat pump system, coupled with solar panels and solar collectors for heating the water installed on the roof, helps to save on electricity; Designed system of natural light and transparent designs (front and dormer windows, doors, etc.), which will also ensure the flow of natural heat; use of panels with excellent thermal properties.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8265
Располагается в коллекциях:Монографії (ННІДО М)

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