Електронний архів Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі >
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Showing results 196 to 215 of 13602
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 22-Jun-2021 | E-commerce trends in the digital economy | Bezpartochna, Olesia; Misyuckevich, Valentina; Trushkina, Nataliia |
Mar-2016 | E-learning courses "Elements of combinatorial optimization" as a site | Odima, Jonathan |
Mar-2016 | E-learning courses as a site "Platform for enterprise information systems" | Iwu Ifeanyi, Michael |
1-Nov-2016 | Eco-economical aspects of constant tourism development | Карпенко, Ніна Миколаївна; Дзекун, Юрій Олексійович |
2021 | Ecological problems related to the use of transgenic plants | Birta, Habriella; Burhu, Yurii; Kyrychenko, Olena |
11-Apr-2020 | Econimic effectiveness of measures on labor protection in context of sustainable development socially oriented Ukraine | Manina, Lyudmila; Bondar-Pidgurska, Oksana; Volodko, Olga |
2016 | Economic-mathematical basis for forming complex programs of recreation balanced development | Shevchenko, H. |
31-Oct-2018 | Economic and legal mechanisms for effective use of land resources under the conditions of sustainable development in Ukraine | Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Kostyashkin, Ivan; Hrudnytskyi, Vasyl; Shlapko, Tetiana |
Nov-2019 | Economic and mathematical modeling of ukrainian metallurgical enterprises financial equilibrium | Гудзь, Тетяна Павлівна |
2025 | Economic Globalisation as a Driving Force for the Development of Companies in the Global Market | Bender, Kateryna; Sarolta, Bernat; Orosz, Krisztina; Flehantova, Anna |
7-Jun-2020 | Effect of branding on the consumer’s buying behavior | Іваннікова, Марина Миколаївна; Сакей, Джнр Франк Нана |
10-Sep-2020 | Effect of UV-C radiation on basic indices of growth process of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds in pre-sowing treatment | Semenov, Anatoly; Korotkova, Irina; Sakhno, Tamara; Marenych, Mykola |
13-Oct-2014 | Effective forms of insurance of risks of farmer economses | Фисун, Ірина Владиславівна; Горденко, Наталія Іванівна |
1-Sep-2022 | Effective system of professional development of human resources at the enterprise in the new economy: theory and practice of formation. Diploma Master Thesis. | Agusi, Chukwuemeka Chukvunonso |
2020 | Effective teaching strategies of business english: experience of Poltava university of economics and trade | Іщенко, Валентина Леонідівна; Дзекун, Юрій Олексійович; Кононенко, Олена Анатоліївна |
2020 | Effective teaching strategies of business english: experience of Poltava university of economics and trade | Ishchenko, Valentyna; Dzekun, Yuriy; Kononenko, Olena |
2012 | Effective teaching strategies of business english: experience of Poltava university of economics and trade. | Ishchenko, Valentyna |
17-Sep-2021 | Efficiency of seeds' germination in pre-sowing irradiation by UV- light of different spectral composition | Semenov, Anatoliy; Marenych, Mykola; Sakhno, Tamara; Barashkov, Nikolay |
Sep-1995 | Electron combination scattering of light in conductors with magnetoimpurity states | Ermolaev, Alexander; Rashba, Georgy; Shurduk, Andrew |
28-Apr-2021 | Elements for the simulator on the topic "Algorithm for conducting the left factorization of grammar" of the distance learning course "Programming theory" | Darboe, A.; Дарбое, Амадоу |
Showing results 196 to 215 of 13602