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Название: Improving pastille manufacturing technology using the developed multicomponent fruit and berry paste
Авторы: Volodko, Olga
Kasabova, Kateryna
Zagorulko, Aleksey
Zahorulko, Andreii
Shmatchenko, Nataliа
Simakova, Olga
Goriainova, Iuliia
Mironov, Denis
Ключевые слова: pastille
fruit and berry paste
structural-mechanical properties
physiologically functional ingredients
quality indicators
Issue Date: 2021
Издатель: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
Библиографическое описание: Kasabova K., Zagorulko A., Zahorulko A., Shmatchenko N., Simakova O., Goriainova I., Volodko O., Mironov D. Improving pastille manufacturing technology using the developed multicomponent fruit and berry paste // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2021. – Vol 3 No 11 (111) Рр. 49–56.)
Аннотация: A method for manufacturing multicomponent fruit and berry paste based on apples, cranberries, hawthorn with a high content of pectin substances has been improved. A special feature of the technique is the concentration in a rotary film apparatus until a dry matter content of 28... 30 % under a mild mode during 25...50 s provided that the puree is preheated to 50 °C. The limiting shear stress for each type of raw material and the effective viscosity index for the samples of the formulations of the studied pastes have been established. It was found that the best properties are demonstrated by composition with the following formulation ratio of components: apple – 50 %; cranberries – 40 %; hawthorn – 10 %. That makes it possible to obtain pastes with the best chemical composition (the higher content of pectin substances, organic acids, ascorbic acid, etc.). The rational amount of adding 75 % of fruit and berry paste to replace apple puree has been determined and substantiated. That makes it possible to manufacture pastille with a high degree of structure formation, which is confirmed by the viscosity index of 616 Pa∙s, compared with control – 354 Pa∙s. A decrease in the mass fraction of dry substances by 5.0 %, an increase in acidity and reducing substances are ensured, which meets the requirements set by regulatory documents. This amount of paste provides for excellent organoleptic properties, i.e. it gives the products an even red color, pleasant taste, and smell. The developed technology expands the range of “healthy food” by partially replacing raw materials with a low content of physiologically functional components with a multicomponent composition, as well as provides for an increase in the pastille nutritional value. The use of sparing modes of concentration makes it possible to intensify the process of manufacturing a multicomponent paste, which indicates energy and resource-saving technology.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11403
Appears in Collections:Статті (ННІДО ГРКС)

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