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Название: Development of tourism and hotel-restaurant industry in conditions of martial law in Ukraine
Авторы: Volodko, О.
Kushch, L.
Dudnyk, S.
Kampov, N.
Ключевые слова: concepts
domestic tourism
local safe zones
restaurant industry
hotel industry
Дата публикации: 2023
Издатель: Київ: ТКД «Центр»
Библиографическое описание: Volodko O. DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM AND HOTEL-RESTAURANT INDUSTRY IN CONDITIONS OF MARTIAL LAW IN UKRAINE / Volodko O., Kushch L., Dudnyk S., Kampov N. // Науково-практичний журнал: Інвестиції: практика та досвід. – Київ: ТКД «Центр», 2023. – №6. – С.122-130. - (Еconomy).
Серия/номер: ;6
Аннотация: The development of tourism and hotel-restaurant industry during the state of war should be focusedon the opportunities that are present in such conditions. To meaningfully characterize theseopportunities, it is important to express the essence of these possibilities conceptually - namely, inconcrete concepts. We propose to focus on such concepts in order to support the functioning of thetourism and hotel-restaurant industry and to maximize their economic potential for post-war recovery.The appropriateness of such an approach is formed by the fact that travel and movement around thecountry are not prohibited. The relevance of forming such concepts is due to the fact that due to thedecrease in income levels and other specific factors, citizens of Ukraine are looking for places forrest and rehabilitation mainly within the country, avoiding areas where military actions are takingplace. The realities of the state of war and warfare lead to an increase in factors that contribute to the development of the hotel-restaurant industry, which, however, tends towards a budget format.Within the study, it has been proven that even in the conditions of a state of war, there are directionsfor the development of the tourism and hotel-restaurant sectors that are capable of supporting andpreserving their economic potential for post-war recovery. This potential is interpreted by us as aset of resources that can be used to support economic growth and recovery after conflict or war. Webelieve that among the directions for preserving the economic potential of the tourism and hotel-restaurant spheres for post-war recovery, the following can be distinguished: 1) development ofdomestic tourism in local safe zones of regions. The concept of preserving economic potential forpost-war recovery involves the development of local tourist safe zones in order to create opportunitiesfor safe mass recreation for Ukrainians; 2) development of domestic tourism in the Inner EasternCarpathians. The concept of preserving economic potential for post-war recovery involves thedevelopment of rehabilitation tourism at resorts within this territory; 3) development of budget hoteland restaurant establishments. The concept of preserving economic potential for post-war recoveryinvolves the development of budget hotel and restaurant formats in order to provide quality andaffordable accommodation and food for the population.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12799
ISSN: 2306
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО ГРКС)

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