Електронний архів Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі >
Browsing by Author Dudnyk, S.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2023 | Development of tourism and hotel-restaurant industry in conditions of martial law in Ukraine | Volodko, О.; Kushch, L.; Dudnyk, S.; Kampov, N. |
28-Jan-2021 | Incresing the efficiency of heat and mass exchange in an improved rotary film evaporator for concentration of fruit-andberry purre | Zahorulko, A.; Zagorulko, A.; Yancheva, M.; Ponomarenko, N.; Tesliuk, H.; Silchenko, E.; Paska, M.; Dudnyk, S.; Загорулько, А.; Янчева, М.; Пономаренко, Н.; Теслюк, Х.; Сільченко, Є.; Паска, М. |
2022 | Methodological basis of formation and development tourist and hotel-restaurant clusters in regions | Maslihan, O.; Goblyk-Markovych, N.; Kushch, L.; Dudnyk, S.; Todierishko, E.; Shafranova, K.; Dyvynska, Y. |
11-Nov-2021 | Problems of using leavening agent in cake technologies | Kaplina, T.; Stolyarchuk, V.; Dudnyk, S. |
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4