Електронний архів Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі >
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Showing results 323 to 342 of 13607
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 15-Jul-2020 | Improvement of Methodological Approaches to the Assessment of Financial Decentralization and its Impact on the Financial Sufficiency of Local Budgets | Тимошенко, Оксана Валеріївна; Кузьменко, Олександра Констянтинівна |
2019 | Improvement of Methodological Approaches to the Assessment of Financial Decentralization and its Impact on the Financial Sufficiency of Local Budgets | Тимошенко, Оксана Вареріївна; Кузьменко, Олександра Костянтинівна |
2013 | Improvement of the technology of meat and meat containing products using mushroom half-finished product | Пасічний, Василь Миколайович; Ястреба, Юлія Анатоліївна; Гередчук, Аліна Миколаївна; Герман, Наталія Володимирівна |
2014 | Improvement of the technology of meat products using calcium alginate gels | Пасічний, Василь Миколайович; Ястреба, Юлія Анатоліївна; Білоцерківець, Марина Василівна |
Sep-2021 | Improving marshmallow production technology by adding the fruit and vegetable paste obtained by low-temperature concentration | Bondar, Mariana; Solomon, Alla; Fedak, Natalia; Paska, Mariia; Hotvianska, Anna; Polozhyshnikova, Lyudmila; Mironov, Denys; Kushch, Larisa |
2021 | Improving pastille manufacturing technology using the developed multicomponent fruit and berry paste | Volodko, Olga; Kasabova, Kateryna; Zagorulko, Aleksey; Zahorulko, Andreii; Shmatchenko, Nataliа; Simakova, Olga; Goriainova, Iuliia; Mironov, Denis |
28-Jan-2021 | Incresing the efficiency of heat and mass exchange in an improved rotary film evaporator for concentration of fruit-andberry purre | Zahorulko, A.; Zagorulko, A.; Yancheva, M.; Ponomarenko, N.; Tesliuk, H.; Silchenko, E.; Paska, M.; Dudnyk, S.; Загорулько, А.; Янчева, М.; Пономаренко, Н.; Теслюк, Х.; Сільченко, Є.; Паска, М. |
2013 | Indices of talent and creativity as indicators of the level of development of knowledge economy | Шкурупій, Ольга Всеволодівна; Туль, Світлана Іванівна |
10-Mar-2022 | Industrial marketing | - |
10-Mar-2022 | Industrial marketing | Ajitkumar Ajbani, Latika |
28-Aug-2020 | Influence of globalization on the world food market | Kpoku, O.; Пожар, А. А. |
26-May-2020 | Influence of pre-sowing UV-radiation on the energy of germination capacity and germination ability of rapeseed | Semenov, A.; Kozhushko, G.; Sakhno, T. |
1-Feb-2020 | Influence of UV radiation in pre-sowing treatment of seeds of crops | Semenov, Anatoly; Kozhushko, Gregory; Sakhno, Tamara |
7-Jun-2021 | Influence of UV Radiation on Physical and Biological Properties of Rapeseed in Pre-Sowing Treatment | Semenov, Anatolii; Sakhno, Tamara; Semenova, Kateryna |
26-May-2020 | Influence of UV radiation іn pre-sowing treatment of seeds of crops | Semenov, A.; Kozhushko, G.; Sakhno, T. |
18-Jun-2018 | Information support of pricing management of tourism enterprises | Ivanova, Valentina; Іванова, Валентина Василівна; Иванова, Валентина Васильевна; Ivanova, Elena; Іванова, Олена Миколаївна; Иванова, Елена Николаевна |
9-Oct-2020 | Information technology in the social system | Rabilu, Ahmed; Руденко, Ніна Сергіївна |
24-Apr-2021 | Innovation as the main driver for the future economic growth of the company (on Tesla, Inc. Example) | Flehantova, Anna; Redka, Oleksii |
2010 | Innovation strategies and the problems of their implementation by the Ukrainian banks | Smovzhenko, Tamara; Yehorycheva, Svitlana |
30-Aug-2023 | Innovations and its Impact on the Competitiveness of TNCs on the Creative Industries Market (on the Example of the «Walt Disney Company») | Flehantova, Anna |
Showing results 323 to 342 of 13607