Електронний архів Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі >
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Showing results 48 to 67 of 13632
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 29-Mar-2022 | Bactericidal Disinfection of Activated Carbon from Aerobic Microorganisms, Yeasts and Molds | Semenov, Anatolii; Sakhno, Tamara; Hmelnitska, Yevgenia; Semenova, Nataliia |
7-Oct-2020 | Bibliothekswesen in deutschland | Polyvoda, Darya; Dzekun, Yuriy |
13-May-2016 | Big Data в современной экономике: направления и проблемы использования | Белозубенко, В. С. |
Mar-2021 | Biotechnology in the food industry | Флока, Людмила Валеріївна; Качіфумбу, Еліта Мсека |
2015 | BSC as control and evaluation instrument of banks' innovation strategies | Yehorycheva, Svitlana |
2007 | BSC як метод формування конкурентних переваг фірми | Іваннікова, Марина Миколаївна |
23-Apr-2009 | Building a Language-Friendly Environment | Чернуха, Варвара Іванівна; Новак, Любов Павлівна |
10-Oct-2020 | "Business Administration" Shamsudheen Basheera Rafkhana topic of thesis «Functional approach to innovative management of enterprise in the context of sustainable development» (on materials of the Samsung and PepsiCo). Poltava. PUET. 2020. 94 р. | Shamsudheen, Basheera Rafkhana |
2018 | Business angels as an alternative to financial support at the early stages of small businesses’ life cycle | Pedchenko, Nataliya; Strilec, Victoria; Kolisnyk, Galina M. |
8-Dec-2020 | Business ethics in India | Rongali, Y. N.; Chayka, І. P. |
26-Mar-2019 | Business ethics or corruption in India | Rangra, Nishant; Chayka, Inna |
22-Oct-2020 | Business in sport | Tetteh, Kwao Sylvester |
16-Jan-2016 | Business strategy: clusters as an imperative of development | Berezin, Alexander |
24-Dec-2024 | Bикористання вторинної ягідної сировини в технології пшеничного хліба | Бородай, Анжела Борисівна; Богинський, Максим Вячеславович |
2018 | Calculation of the inetеnse state of the heating covering of aerodromes | Володько, Ольга Василівна; Рогова, Наталія Володимирівна |
2023 | Case championships as a means of learning in IT education | Zavolodko, Ganna; Kharchenko, Oleksandra; Tiahunova, Zlata |
Feb-2012 | Case study method for teaching English for Specific Purposes | Ishchenko, Valentyna |
2023 | Certain features of the legal regime for cryptocurrency transactions | Tuban, Oleksandr; Тубань, Олександр Вікторович |
20-May-2021 | Challenges of the labour market: ways to improve language competeces of university graduates | Ishchenko, Valentyna |
2024 | Challenges of using “case studies” in teaching english for future specialists in trade | Іщенко, Валентина; Горбуньова, Софья |
Showing results 48 to 67 of 13632