Електронний архів Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі >
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Showing results 398 to 417 of 13607
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Apr-1993 | Magnetoplasma waves in compensated metals with quasilocal electron states | Ermolaev, Alexander; Shurduk, Andrew |
26-Mar-2019 | Major globalization initiatives from Indian companies in conditions of market transformations | Rongali, Keerthikanth Yogeshwara; Vlasenko, Valentin |
3-Jun-2020 | Management by talents in context of conception of absorptive ability of organization as direction of providing of her skilled safety | Місюкевич, Валентина Іванівна |
19-Nov-2022 | «Management competitiveness enterprises in cyclical and green economy» (on materials of the Volkswagen Group) | Ammar, Ahmed Omar Ali |
14-Jul-2020 | Management der bildung der finanzressourcen des unternehmens | Наsii, Olena; Schynder, Vjacheslav; Zhyrnyj, Andrij |
11-Sep-2020 | Management innovation | Goureeva, Maya; Werteni, Hamed |
27-Sep-2013 | Management of cause-and-effect relationships of investment efficiency in the trading business of Ukraine | Denga, Svitlana |
9-Jan-2022 | Management of competitiveness of enterprises in conditions of hybrid threats of sustainable development: innovative technologies and ecosconsciousness | Bondar-Pidhurska, O. V.; Karangwa, Charles; Ammar, Ahmed Omar Ali |
9-Jan-2022 | Management of competitiveness of enterprises in conditions of hybrid threats of sustainable development: innovative technologies and ecosconsciousness | Bondar-Pidhurska, O. V.; Karangwa, Charles; Ammar, Ahmed Omar Ali |
30-Jan-2020 | Management of development and ensuring food security of country | Rangra, Nishant |
29-Jun-2021 | Management of development of enterprise in the conditions of transformational changes. Diploma Master Thesis. | Umoh, Idorenyin Samuel |
2-Nov-2024 | Management of industrial enterprises based on the logistics approach: challenges, opportunities, threats | Bondar-Pidhurska, Oksana; Baklanov, Stanislav; Kurzantsev, Dmytro |
19-Nov-2022 | «Management of marketing activities of the enterprise in the conditions of formation of post-industrial economy» (on materials of theToyota Motor Corporation) from the specialty 073 "Management" of the educational program "Business Administration" | Egdara, Esmael Omar Mohamed |
21-Dec-2022 | Management of the competitiveness of educational institutions in the conditions of digitalization of the economy: theoretical aspect | Bondar-Pidhurska, Oksana; Lazarenko, Yulia |
13-Jul-2021 | Managemental innovations as a reserve for the development of Ukrainian healthcare institutions | Vlasenko, D. S.; Bondar-Pidhurska, O. V. |
8-Oct-2020 | Managers | Mubeen, Hassan; Кононенко, Олена Анатоліївна |
11-Sep-2020 | Managing change & being flexible in life | Goureeva, Maya; Mensah, Ewuraesi |
29-Jun-2021 | Managing safety of the developed cakes made from organic raw materials with improved fatty-acid composition | Tkachenko, Alina; Syrokhman, Ivan; Basova, Yulia; Kobischan, Anna; Artemenko, Anna; Kovalchuk, Khrystyna; Kalashnyk, Olena; Katruk, Mariia; Zakharchyn, Roman; Havrylyshyn, Volodymyr |
11-Nov-2019 | Manufacture nechnology of fermented birch sap and new combined products on it | Рогова, Наталія Володимирівна; Володько, Ольга Василівна |
2020 | Marriage-Family Relations on the Frontier of South-Ukrainian Lands in the 17th and 18th Centuries | Petrenko, Iryna |
Showing results 398 to 417 of 13607