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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8376

Название: Ultraviolet disinfection of activated carbon and its use for microbiological decontamination
Авторы: Semenov, A.
Sakhno, T.
Barashkov, N.
Ключевые слова: Ultraviolet
activated carbon
Issue Date: 20-May-2020
Аннотация: As a water treatment technique, UV-light is known to be an effective disinfectant due to its strong germicidal ability. It is efficient as well for microbiological decontamination of numerous medicinal products, including activate carbon (charcoal).
Описание: 257st American Chemical Society National Meeting in Orlando, FL «Green Chemistry & the Environmental », march 31- April 4, 2019, Orlando, Florida.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8376
Appears in Collections:Матеріали конференцій (ННІДО ТБЕМС)

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