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Название: | Influence of UV radiation іn pre-sowing treatment of seeds of crops |
Авторы: | Semenov, A. Kozhushko, G. Sakhno, T. |
Ключевые слова: | Ultraviolet Influence seeds crops |
Issue Date: | 26-May-2020 |
Серия/номер: | 1/3 (45); |
Аннотация: | The object of research is the seeds of crops: wheat, barley, rapeseed and carrots. The effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on seeds of agricultural enterprises of crops in pre-sowing treatment (germination energy and germination capacity) is investigated, which is aimed at solving the problem of the agro-industrial complex, namely increasing the quantity and quality of the crop. In the course of experimental work, low-pressure ultraviolet discharge lamps are used, in which the radiation maximum falls at 254 nm. To measure doses of UV radiation, a Tensor-31 radiometer (Ukraine) is used, which provides measurements in the wavelength range of 200-400 nm. The research results of growth processes (germination energy and germination) showed that for seeds of winter soft wheat, the optimal UV dose is 400-600 J/m2, at which the germination energy increases by 7-12%, and the germination capacity by 9-15%. For winter barley, the optimal dose is 250 J/m2, at which the germination capacity increases by 23% compared with control samples, and for spring barley, 900–1000 J/m2, at which the increase in germination capacity is 80%. When seeds are irradiated, the maximum indicators of germination energy and seed germination capacity are observed at doses of 80-100 J/m2, at which the germination energy increases by 20-26%, and the germination capacity by 16%. When comparing the effect on rapeseeds of different spectral regions of the UV range of 200-400 nm, an increase in germination energy and germination capacity of 6-9% for area C is noted. When treating carrot seeds, it is found that UV irradiation stimulates growth processes: seed germination capacity increased by 27 -29% at doses of 120-150 J/m2. This pattern of positive effect of UV irradiation on the growth processes of crops is observed in the process of growth, which contributes to an increase in yield. |
Описание: | Semenov A., Kozhushko G., Sakhno T. Influence of UV radiation іn pre-sowing treatment of seeds of crops. Technology audit and production reserves. – 2019. – № 1/3 (45). С 30-32, ISSN 2226-3780. DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2019.159954 |
URI: | http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8434 |
ISSN: | 2226-3780 |
Appears in Collections: | Матеріали конференцій (ННІДО ТБЕМС)
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