Електронний архів Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі >
Browsing by Author Semenov, A.
Showing results 3 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 26-May-2020 | Influence of pre-sowing UV-radiation on the energy of germination capacity and germination ability of rapeseed | Semenov, A.; Kozhushko, G.; Sakhno, T. |
26-May-2020 | Influence of UV radiation іn pre-sowing treatment of seeds of crops | Semenov, A.; Kozhushko, G.; Sakhno, T. |
2-Sep-2020 | Method of ultravioletal disinfection of water in fish growing in recirculation aquacultural systems | Semenov, A.; Sakhno, T. |
20-May-2024 | Results оf Determining the Influence of Moisture Content on the Flow of Substances in Meat Under the Combined Action of Heat Flow and Electric Current | Skrypnyk, V.; Semenov, A.; Bychkov, Y.; Farisieiev, A. |
20-May-2020 | Ultraviolet disinfection of activated carbon and its use for microbiological decontamination | Semenov, A.; Sakhno, T.; Barashkov, N. |
4-Nov-2020 | Ultraviolet method of bactericidal disinfection of skimmed milk powder | Semenov, A.; Dugan, O. |
10-Apr-2024 | Ефективність регульованого електроприводу в насосних установках водозабезпечення | Semenov, A.; Kharak, R.; Bychkov, Y.; Skrypnyk, V.; Семенов, А. О.; Харак, Р. М.; Бичков, Я. М.; Скрипник, В. О. |
Showing results 3 to 9 of 9